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Hello and welcome to Tropicallili a site about the SIMS.  I hope you enjoy your stay here. All downloads are found here or at the Yahoo Group. You may download anything on the site. Ask me first before you share my files with anyone and please don't steal my work. You all know the rules. H.A.K.

April 30, 2005/ 1:43 PM: Nothing new on the site but I have some skins up at the sidewalk sims forum. They'll be located in the "Sidewalk Sims Marketplace" thread. They are for sims 1 though. Enjoy.


January 30, 2005/ 10:00 PM: Well, it's at least in the same month. LOL! Things are pretty busy for me at the moment but I hope to make all the walls and floors I've made for sims 1 for sim 2 as well. So, look out for that.


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 Copyright 2004 © Tropicallili - All rights are reserved.
The SIMS is a registered trademark of {Electronic Arts} and no infringement is intended.
